Friday, February 19, 2021

Your Pre-Inspection Agreement: Arbitration

Before bringing any such action, you must provide InterNACHI with 30 days’ written notice of the nature of the claim, in sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting documents that InterNACHI can evaluate it. In any action against us or InterNACHI, you waive trial by jury. Additionally, when confronting allegations, claims professionals often use signed pre-inspection agreements as the home inspector’s first line of defense. They do so by emphasizing the limitations of liability and inspection scope outlined therein. Frequently, claims adjusters can dismiss frivolous allegations against a home inspector with the help of the inspector’s pre-inspection contract—much like the California court dismissed Moreno v. Sanchez.

pre inspection agreement for home inspectors

Contact your insurance representative to learn more the coverage you need for your business. The pre-inspection agreement can function as a binding contract in the event of a dispute over fees, inspection findings, claims of an error or liability and more, giving overall peace of mind to both parties. Your clients will know exactly what to expect from the inspection, including what it can show and what it can’t.


Inspectors may also be able to reduce their self-employment taxes by doing business as an LLC or corporation. The report is only supplementary to the seller's disclosure. Client agrees that a failure to comply with the terms of this paragraph shall constitute a waiver of such claim. Inspect any building, system, component, appliance, or improvement not included or otherwise excluded by these Standards of Practice. Any such inspection shall comply with all other provisions of these Standards.

His report was detailed with clear photos, comments and links to sites for further information if there was any issue during an inspection. Larry did the inspection for our new home in Commack and it was a great experience. He was very quick and professional in his response, arrived early for the inspection and already had tons of notes on the outside of the house by the time we arrived, and walked us through the entire house for two hours answering all of our many questions.

Can Someone other than the Client Sign the Agreement? The Realtor?

You had the opportunity to consult qualified counsel before signing this. If you request a re-inspection, the re-inspection is subject to the terms of this Agreement. Apply for ASHI Membership and gain access to hundreds of articles written by industry-leading experts, including a monthly subscription to the ASHI Reporter as part of your membership benefits.

pre inspection agreement for home inspectors

This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State/ Province of IN, and if that State/ Province laws or regulations are more stringent than the forms of the agreement, the State/ Province law or rule shall govern. Drafting a template for your pre-inspection agreement that you can use with all clients will save a lot of time. Examples of pre-inspection agreement boilerplate forms are available from many trade industry associations, licensing organizations and franchisee programs. Use these resources to draft a form suited to the specific inspection services you provide. Ever wonder why insurance providers ask for a copy of your pre-inspection agreement when you make your initial purchase or renew? It’s because insurance carriers make your contract an official policy document.

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Regardless of state requirements, you should certainly have a written operating agreement. You should also speak to a lawyer in your state who is fully familiar with setting up a business in that state and who knows the state’s requirements for doing so. Consulting with a lawyer will help ensure that you have an operating agreement that protects you, your assets, and your family from any possible liability and to set forth the terms of the operation of the LLC for the future. It’s crucial to have an attorney’s assistance when creating a pre-inspection agreement since state laws vary. Limitations of liability provisions, in particular, can be location-specific. By drafting an easy-to-follow and clear pre-inspection agreement, inspectors are likely to resolve disputes before a lawsuit arises, with less impact on their home inspection insurance.

pre inspection agreement for home inspectors

Yes, we provide addendums for the ancillary services you offer to include with your standard inspection agreement. It’s always better to have a written agreement in which you “dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s” related to setting up the business and keeping the records and adhering to the operating agreement. Having a written agreement in place works to preserve this insulation should someone try to sue you as an individual or should somebody try to bring a claim or judgment against your business and seek to enforce that judgment against you personally. An attorney will provide suggestions on the agreement and ensure that the agreement covers the home inspector in the event of a claim or dispute.

About InterNACHI® Insurance

Each party signing this Agreement warrants and represents that he/she has the full capacity and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the named party. The inspection shall be performed in accordance with the Standards of Practice of the California Real Estate Inspection Association , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and is limited to those items specified herein. Please print a copy of the home inspection agreement for your records. Join over 30,000 home inspectors who receive risk management tips twice a month from the InspectorPro newsletter.

pre inspection agreement for home inspectors

As such, you must update the insurance company whenever you modify your agreement so that they can revise your policy. The Client agrees that this agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. No oral agreements, understandings or representations shall change, modify or amend any part of this agreement. No change or modification shall be enforceable against any party unless such changes or modifications are in writing and signed by the parties and supported by valid consideration. InterNACHI’s online inspection agreement system supports legally binding e-signatures.

Pre-Inspection Agreement

Maintenance and other items may be discussed, but they are not a part of the inspection. The report is not a compliance inspection or certification for past or present government codes or regulations of any kind. Here at InspectorPro, we strive to offer solutions that meet home inspectors' specific needs.

A question that often comes up for single-member LLCs is whether or not they need an operating agreement. From the perspective of a litigator with 20-years of experience, yes, you should have a written operating agreement. The reason is to protect you and your individual personal assets, as well as your family’s assets, from any action taken or a judgment obtained by an unsatisfied client or a regulatory body. You want to make sure that there’s a clear line of separation between you and your business in order to preserve the insulation that the LLC or other corporate structure gives. While using a pre-inspection agreement with clients will give you greater peace of mind, some risk of client complaints and claims will always exist. Claims happen to even the best inspectors, so it’s important you protect yourself with the proper insurance coverage.

According to Moreno v. Sanchez court documents, when the buyers arrived at the home inspection, they didn’t want to sign the pre-inspection agreement. In fact, they asked the inspector to remove the statute of limitations clause from the agreement. Imagine how different the case would have been if the inspector had dismissed the clause or, worse, the entire contract. They provide evidence that the signers agreed to the terms of the contract. When facing claims, signatures may be all you have to prove that your clients knew what was and wasn’t covered during your home inspection.

pre inspection agreement for home inspectors

The pre-inspection agreement is an essential tool in protecting not only your client but yourself as well. Because non-local clients may have not yet seen the house, it is up to you to protect yourself by securing the inspection agreement signature. In most cases, an email or fax signature will be relatively easy to obtain. A statute of limitations provision deters clients from coming back with complaints against home inspectors long after their inspection.

Key Elements of a Pre-Inspection Agreement For Home Inspectors

We do not perform engineering, architectural, plumbing, or any other job function requiring an occupational license in the jurisdiction where the property is located. If we hold a valid occupational license, we may inform you of this and you may hire us to perform additional functions. Any agreement for such additional services shall be in a separate writing.

The full name of the person making this agreement. SATISFACTORY (Sat.) – Indicates the component is functionally consistent with its original purpose but may show signs of normal wear and tear and deterioration. If you have any questions regarding any of these, please feel free to contact us.

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